RWS Neujahrssieger Zuchtschau

January 21, 2010 at 10:03 am , by Manu Keggenhoff

On January 17th, the annual RWS-Neujahrssieger-Zuchtschau (NewYears-Winner-Show) took place in Meinerzhagen, Germany. Two Atlin Mountain Blizzards – our Champion-girl Angel-Naomy and her niece Bluemoon (Nice) – had a very successful day:

Dt CH Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Champion Class V1 (excellent, 1st place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

Bluemoon of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Puppy Class vv2 (very promising, 2nd place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

It was Bluemoons first show and she did a very good job. Naomy showed her young niece the secrets of being a perfect show-dog. Congratulations Malou & family.

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