Archive for the ‘ Show & Sports ’ Category

RWS Neujahrssieger Zuchtschau

Monday, January 24th, 2011

NewYears WinnerShow in Meinerzhagen/Germany

What a great day for the Atlin Mountain Blizzards at the NewYearsWinnerShow (RWS Neujahrssiegerzuchtschau) in Meinerzhagen/Germany:

Intermediate Class Females:
Bluemoon of Atlin Mountain Blizzards > V1, Asp. german Champion RWS/VDH

Championclass Females:-
Multi-Champion, FCI Worldwinner
Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards > V1, Best Female, NewYears-Winner and Best of Breed (BoB)
We’re so proud of our wonderful offspring and their family! Very well done, Malou & Rosy!!!

Malou with Bluemoon & Angel-Naomy

Malou with her two golden girls, Bluemoon (left) and Angel-Naomy and the cups they’ve earned that day.

Alpentrophy, Austria 2010

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

Alpentrophy XVI, 24.07.2010 in Aurach, Austria: An excellent V2, res. CAC (open class) for ANJO OF ATLIN MOUNTAIN BLIZZARDS (Owner/Handler: Renate Braunhofer, I). A fantastic result for Anjo who started among 102 other participants! Congratulations, Renate & Anjo!

Photo: Courtesy of


Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

DtCH, RWSCH, BVWSCH Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards is FCI WORLDWINNER 2010!!!
She won the Champion Class (excellent 1) and got Best Female. Naomy competed against 94 White Shepherds from all over Europe.

That’s absolutely amazing!

Bluemoon of Atlin Mountain Blizzards came in 3rd (excellent 3) in Junior Class. A wonderful result for her first big show.

Owner/Handler of both dogs is 19-year old Malou Wengenroth. Congratulations :) We are soooooooo proud of our golden team!

RheinlandSiegerShow 2010

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards won the title “Best Female” & “Rheinland-Sieger 2010″ on February 27th, 2010 in Rheinberg/Germany. We’re very proud of our most successful Blizzard-offspring! You’re a wonderful team, Malou & Naomy!! Championclass: V1, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, CAC, Beste Hündin, Rheinlandsieger 2010

RWS Neujahrssieger Zuchtschau

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

On January 17th, the annual RWS-Neujahrssieger-Zuchtschau (NewYears-Winner-Show) took place in Meinerzhagen, Germany. Two Atlin Mountain Blizzards – our Champion-girl Angel-Naomy and her niece Bluemoon (Nice) – had a very successful day:

Dt CH Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Champion Class V1 (excellent, 1st place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

Bluemoon of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Puppy Class vv2 (very promising, 2nd place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

It was Bluemoons first show and she did a very good job. Naomy showed her young niece the secrets of being a perfect show-dog. Congratulations Malou & family.

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