Archive for the ‘ Misc ’ Category

Happy Birthday A-leins!

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Azure-Sky, Arko-Sam, Anjo, Alaska-Legolas, Asja, Angel-Naomy, Atlantis, Alba-Chicca & Ailynn-Tala celebrate their 4th birthday today! Have A great day, sweethearts.

In memory of Aico-Sammy, who died in a car-accident two years ago. We’ll never forget you!!

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New photos in the gallery

Monday, February 1st, 2010

I added new pictures of Alyx, Ben, Bonny, Lilly, Nice, Taiya & Naomy to the Picturegallery. Enjoy!

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Book release

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

It’s official: Weisse Schäferhunde, by authors Gaby & Peter von Döllen, hits the stands in March 2010. I took the coverphoto (it shows our girl Lynnie), as well as the majority of pictures inside this photo-based book about White Shepherds. Weisse Schäferhunde is published by Cadmos (Germany) and will be available in german bookstores, at Amazon and other well known online-sellers.

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Gallery update

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Happy New Year everybody.

The puppy-albums are online again. You find them in the Photogallery section.

More updates to follow.

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A new look for the Atlin Mtn. Blizzards Homepage

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

The new website-design is up & running. There are still a few tweaks on the to-do-list (for example, stocking up the Photogallery with more pictures), but all in all it’s finished. In the near future, I’ll launch the german translation as well.

Stay tuned for regular updates about our dogs, the kennel & the Atlin Mountain Blizzards offspring here in Canada and abroad in Germany. Thanks for visiting our site.

A happy & healthy new year 2010 to you.

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