Archive for January, 2010

Photo of the month: February

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

The new photo of the month is online. It shows little Gypsie (Breeze) having fun in the snow.

RWS Neujahrssieger Zuchtschau

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

On January 17th, the annual RWS-Neujahrssieger-Zuchtschau (NewYears-Winner-Show) took place in Meinerzhagen, Germany. Two Atlin Mountain Blizzards – our Champion-girl Angel-Naomy and her niece Bluemoon (Nice) – had a very successful day:

Dt CH Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Champion Class V1 (excellent, 1st place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

Bluemoon of Atlin Mountain Blizzards – Puppy Class vv2 (very promising, 2nd place),
Owner & Handler: Malou Wengenroth

It was Bluemoons first show and she did a very good job. Naomy showed her young niece the secrets of being a perfect show-dog. Congratulations Malou & family.

Book release

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

It’s official: Weisse Schäferhunde, by authors Gaby & Peter von Döllen, hits the stands in March 2010. I took the coverphoto (it shows our girl Lynnie), as well as the majority of pictures inside this photo-based book about White Shepherds. Weisse Schäferhunde is published by Cadmos (Germany) and will be available in german bookstores, at Amazon and other well known online-sellers.

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Gallery update

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Happy New Year everybody.

The puppy-albums are online again. You find them in the Photogallery section.

More updates to follow.

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