Archive for March, 2010

RheinlandSiegerShow 2010

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Angel-Naomy of Atlin Mountain Blizzards won the title “Best Female” & “Rheinland-Sieger 2010″ on February 27th, 2010 in Rheinberg/Germany. We’re very proud of our most successful Blizzard-offspring! You’re a wonderful team, Malou & Naomy!! Championclass: V1, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, CAC, Beste Hündin, Rheinlandsieger 2010

Photo of the month: March

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Alyx (Beany) and Gypsie (Breeze) are having a ball. Whenever the two sisters meet, its all about the fun.

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